I have allways wanted to take a leap of faith and run my own business.
I have been up and running for about 4 -6 months now and its going well. I have about 10 clients. Its not great but its moving in the right direction. My website is being re-developed as we speak but the basics are still posted.
My business is called RBSM Financial ( if you couldnt guess ) and offers standard bookkeeping aswell as services geared more towards an accountant as my other half is an accountant.
I am trying to pull in more business and wandered if anyone has any ideas with regards to advertisement.
Also, does anyone use a hosted accountancy solution, if so what kind of feedback do you get from your clients?
I use a hosted service and my clients enjoy being able to access reports 24/7.
Ohh , purchasing fee`s . Is it possible to aquire fee`s around the lower end of the price range. I can only find blocks worth 70000 +
Is there a way partnering with any incorporation websites to get referals? Has anyone done this before.
I've been using managed remote access for Sage Line 50 for a few months after one of my clients requested it. So far it's working ok, albeit for the normal hiccups. It's making my life a little easier when it comes to periodic management accounts. Plus prospective clients seem to be impressed with the concept as well. I'll keeping pushing it and see how it goes.
Just to let you know that the first page of your website: has too many 'object', you need to edit the html code by removing the redundant 'table and objects'. the text of your html index page should only be: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Remote Bookkeeping and Accountancy service</title> <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Providers of remote accountancy and bookkeeping services essentially outsourcing your entire accounts departments. Online accounts access and reports.Accounts conversion service from manual to computerised"> <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="finance,rbsm, rbsmfinance, rbsmfinancial, online bookkeeping,online accounts, bookkeeper, bookkeep, book keep , accountant, statutory accounts, year end, companies house, cash flow, ballance sheet, outsource, online, sage, quickbooks, myob, investment, "> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <link href="Remote%20Bookkeeping_files/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body id="page1"> <table class="main" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table id="header"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <object codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,24" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" height="313" width="766"><param name="_cx" value="20267"><param name="_cy" value="8281"><param name="FlashVars" value=""><param name="Movie" value="flash/header_v8.swf?button=1"><param name="Src" value="flash/header_v8.swf?button=1"><param name="WMode" value="Window"><param name="Play" value="-1"><param name="Loop" value="-1"><param name="Quality" value="High"><param name="SAlign" value=""><param name="Menu" value="0"><param name="Base" value=""><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value=""><param name="Scale" value="ShowAll"><param name="DeviceFont" value="0"><param name="EmbedMovie" value="0"><param name="BGColor" value=""><param name="SWRemote" value=""><param name="MovieData" value=""><param name="SeamlessTabbing" value="1"><param name="Profile" value="0"><param name="ProfileAddress" value=""><param name="ProfilePort" value="0"><param name="AllowNetworking" value="all"><param name="AllowFullScreen" value="false"><!--[if !IE]> <--> <object data="Remote%20Bookkeeping_files/header_v8.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="313" width="766"> <param name="quality" value="high"><param name="menu" value="false"> <param name="pluginurl" value="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this). </object> <!----><!--[endif]--><!--[if !IE]> </object> <!----><!--[endif]--> </object> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="388"> <table id="content" height="353" width="93%"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="row1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="338"> <table class="row2" style="width: 100%; height: 350px;"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="col1" height="373"></td> <td class="col2"> <p><strong></strong></p> <p align="center"><strong><font size="2">Welcome to the home of RBSM Financial</font></strong></p> <p><font size="2"><strong><font color="#26b0d9">RBSM Financial</font></strong> provides remote bookkeeping and accountancy services, essentially outsourcing your accounts department and allowing you to concentrate on the day to day running of your business.</font></p> <p><font size="2">If you are new to business, keeping books, accounting and/or calculating payroll can be a daunting prospect - both time consuming to do yourself (even if you have the skills) and expensive to employ a specialist. Equally, if you are an established company, outsourcing will almost always make sound economic sense. </font><font size="2">The ability to access up to date financial information on a daily basis is an essential element of making accurate, well informed business decisions. </font></p> <p style="margin-top: 5px;"><font size="2">Our services can be made available five minuites a month or every day. We are willing to tailor our services based on your budget as well as your specific business requirments</font>. <a href="mailto:ryan@rbsmfinancial.com">Contact us</a>.</p> </td> <td class="col3"></td> <td class="col4"> <p> </p> <p> </p> <blockquote style="margin-right: 0px;" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><strong><u><font color="#26b0d9">CAT / ACCA QUALIFIED STAFF</font></u></strong></p> <p><strong><u><font color="#26b0d9">JUSTIFIED BUSINESS BENEFITS</font></u></strong></p> <p><strong><u><font color="#26b0d9">IMPROVED REPORTING FACILITIES</font></u></strong></p> <p><strong><u><font color="#26b0d9">REDUCE RECRUITMENT COSTS</font></u></strong></p> <p><strong><u><font color="#26b0d9">EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE SERVICE</font></u></strong> </p> <p><strong><u><font color="#26b0d9">REDUCE WORKLOAD</font></u></strong> </p> <p> </p> </blockquote> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="footer"> <p>RBSM FINANCIAL 2007 <a href="http://www.rbsmfinancial.com/index-6.html">Privacy Policy</a> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bot"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- function __RP_Callback_Helper(str, strCallbackEvent, splitSize, func){var event = null;if (strCallbackEvent){event = document.createEvent('Events');event.initEvent(strCallbackEvent, true, true);}if (str && str.length > 0){var splitList = str.split('|');var strCompare = str;if (splitList.length == splitSize)strCompare = splitList[splitSize-1];var pluginList = document.plugins;for (var count = 0; count < pluginList.length; count++){var sSrc = '';if (pluginList[count] && pluginList[count].src)sSrc = pluginList[count].src;if (strCompare.length >= sSrc.length){if (strCompare.indexOf(sSrc) != -1){func(str, count, pluginList, splitList);break;}}}}if (strCallbackEvent)document.body.dispatchEvent(event);}function __RP_Coord_Callback(str){var func = function(str, index, pluginList, splitList){pluginList[index].__RP_Coord_Callback = str;pluginList[index].__RP_Coord_Callback_Left = splitList[0];pluginList[index].__RP_Coord_Callback_Top = splitList[1];pluginList[index].__RP_Coord_Callback_Right = splitList[2];pluginList[index].__RP_Coord_Callback_Bottom = splitList[3];};__RP_Callback_Helper(str, 'rp-js-coord-callback', 5, func);}function __RP_Url_Callback(str){var func = function(str, index, pluginList, splitList){pluginList[index].__RP_Url_Callback = str;pluginList[index].__RP_Url_Callback_Vid = splitList[0];pluginList[index].__RP_Url_Callback_Parent = splitList[1];};__RP_Callback_Helper(str, 'rp-js-url-callback', 3, func);}function __RP_TotalBytes_Callback(str){var func = function(str, index, pluginList, splitList){pluginList[index].__RP_TotalBytes_Callback = str;pluginList[index].__RP_TotalBytes_Callback_Bytes = splitList[0];};__RP_Callback_Helper(str, null, 2, func);}function __RP_Connection_Callback(str){var func = function(str, index, pluginList, splitList){pluginList[index].__RP_Connection_Callback = str;pluginList[index].__RP_Connection_Callback_Url = splitList[0];};__RP_Callback_Helper(str, null, 2, func);} //--></script> </body> </html>
Just copy (Ctrl c) the above txt and paste it (Ctrl v) into a normal txt editor, like notepad in Windows (found in Start, Programs, Accessories, Notepad) and save. Once saved as index.txt, you can rename it as index.html (right-click the doc into your window and select rename, when asked if you still want to rename it index.html, say yes.). You can then open it with your usual browser, you'll see that there is only one picture at the top of your page. That page can then be put online. I haven't checked all your html code, only removed the redundant <table> and <object>, which made too many pictures and moved your main body to the bottom of an excessively long page.
When you put your site online you should register it with Google, and type in all the relevant keywords. (no need to bother with Yahoo). The content in your site matters most. It shoud contain all the relevant words the online users may type in and will make google select your site in the best position, hopefully in the first pages of your online users search... (online users are lazy, they don't like to keep searching through tens of pages, sometimes the laziest will only look at the top of the google results.) As an example, just to try, type in your google search box: 'france property helpline' or 'france english property owners help' ( what do you see coming at the top of the 1st page?)
I am a new member of this forum, just registered today. I think this forum is great. I'm thinking about learning book-keeping, have just ordered 'Business Accounting 1' from Frank Wood, and just seen today, browsing your site, that this author is recommended. If later on I decide to enter the profession and settle my own business, sure I'll buy the bookcert kit. I am convinced that Bookcert kit is an excellent product, and their offer of making a website and hosting it for a new book-keeper is a great offer that I think everyone should welcome. I wonder why people would think about 'franchise'. I am also very amazed to see how many people with knowledge (ICB certified) hesitate to work for themselves. I thank Bookcert for accepting me on this forum, and wish them and every 'beanie' a very good day.