I'd like to know if anyone belongs to any professional networking groups and if they have found it useful? The reason is because I've been approached by an established group who have a vacancy for a book-keeper. They meet once a fortnight have breakfast and then do a short sales pitch. It's sounds interesting but it is an extra outlay
I think the key is that you mention the group is established. I've joined a few a new networking groups which fizzled out after only a few meetings. I didn't gain any new leads from these which was frustrating. Now I only belong to one group but this one is established and I have found it useful for making new contacts.
If I was you I would give it a try. It doesn't suit everyone but for the business we're in making contacts is useful.
"People who are exceptionally good in business arent so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more"