Please can someone advise as to what level of knowledge in relation to manual bookkeeping is required in order to successfully complete the level II and III computerised exams using Sage run by the ICB.
I've had a look at some of the distance learning courses which stiuplate that you ideally require ICB level II in manual bookkeeping in order to complete the computerised version of the course. The ICB's website also clearly states that it is recommended that prospective students first complete their manual exams.
What I'd like to know is whether somebody who has already completed the AAT's ABC bookkeeping certificate would have sufficient knowledge to complete the computerised exams as I'm not sure whether the AAT bookkeeping cert equates to level I or II of the equivalent manual exams offered by the ICB.
The ICB merely `recommends` that you complete both manual levels before going onto the computerised levels 2 and 3.
However, you can take level 1 manual and go straight to level 2 computerised, therefore missing out level 2 manual.
The only problem with this route is that you would only be able to provide `Computerised` bookkeeping and not both, that is if you are intending to operate under the banner of ICB.
In respect of the AATs ABC certificate, I did not take that route myself, so not sure what you would be taught. All I could suggest is perhaps buy a couple of ICB past papers for levels 1 & 2 manual, levels 2 & 3 computerised to get some idea of what would be expected.
The ICB won't let you take computerised level 2 and then manual level 3 and vice versa though. Which I've only just found out after being half way through level 3!!
I know if you take level 1 which is manual anyway, you can miss out level 2 manual and go straight to level 2 computerised and then onto level 3 computerised. I think it is obvious that if you miss out the level 2 manual, you would not be able to complete level 3 manual.
Nowadays, the vast majority of business are using some form of computerised system, and although I did both manual levels, I have not had to get the pen and paper out to do someones books, its all been on excel so far !
All I know is that when I did my ICB level 1 manual they would not let me submit spreadsheets for the answers - everything had to be had written.
Found this a bit silly really, maybe I am just being pickky, but excel is nigh on manual really as you have to set it all up yourself origonally & you still need to know where to place things.