Hi Julie I am in the same position as you i am also trying to get my bookkeeping and payroll business started but it is priving difficult.I was told by my local business advisor that i only needed to have a lockable filing cabinet or a lockable drawer to put clients information in
I have found the following on ICO website: www.ico.gov.uk
Q: How do I know whether the Data Protection Act applies to my business/organisation? The Act will usually apply unless you are an individual holding personal information for your own domestic use, eg an address book
Presumably if we are holding individuals details, which again I am presuming if they are sole traders they are individuals then it is something we should have.
It says its £35 a year, which isnt a lot but can all add up when you first start out!
Thanks Kelly. I have just been on there and it appears notification is not required, providing I have answered the questions correctly!
The only one I wasnt sure of was the data controller one, I am presuming I am not one as I am just holding clients data and not processing it. But wasnt sure if I offer payroll services this is classed as processing.
Just ome back from an ICB seminar where we discussed this. If you provide additional services that data entry, or you advertise accountancy services, then you need to be registered.
I know I have to be registered as I provide landlord references, as well as SA302's to Lenders (for client mortgages) and payroll information for individuals.
Company data is not covered under the data protection act, but any data on individuals is, even if you have their permission to hold it. Personally I think for £35 per year, for peace of mind it worth the cost.
- Data is not just computerised, it can also be non-automated information stored in a filing system. So thoses scaps of paper with clients details on which you have stored in files are also data.
I believe above answer is correct and have gone along with the same lines. I not only have personal details for payroll but also details for accounts including paper format, which ofcourse has lots of company data and easily crosses over to personal data (net wages / director loan accounts/ bank accounts etc.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900