Don't give up hope yet, you may have done better than you thought. Even if you couldnt get an account to balance, you may have made a tiny error which will only loose you a few marks and still have enough correct to pass.
I am having serious doubts now, but I just want to know whether I need to be gearing myself up to study again ready for the October exam. I really didnt study enough on bad debt write offs and think that if I have failed - then that's where I lost the marks. I think that I filled in the VAT return wrong for a start and you have to get 60% right in each question so I am really keeping my fingers crossed. I just want to know now.
doesnt help that I am really impatient either! It was really difficult so I maybe taking it again!
I'm a very impatient person too. When I was pregnant with my second child, I was desperate for a boy and I had my scan booked at 20 weeks to find out the sex but I made my husband book me a dating scan at 17 weeks at a private hospital because I just couldn't wait any longer. I don't know how I managed to wait a whole nine months for them to arrive :D I did end up getting my boy and they were both well worth the wait
I hope that you don't have to retake it, but I guess that if it comes to that, at least you will know what to expect and will sail through it the second time.
Oh dear. Sat my level 2 manual bookkeeping (IAB) yesterday and it was tough. They introduced payroll to this year's exam and not a cashbook or petty cash item in sight. Mostly journals, VAT and payroll and 2 hours to complete the exam with no reading time - moan, moan, moan. I got some consolation by the fact that everyone else said it was awful. I think I will be lucky to scrape a pass but I am planning on a retake in December.
Unfortunately, results will not be released for between another 6 to 10 weeks.
But I am refusing to let it get to me and am determined to enjoy a summer free from having my head stuck in a book.