I've completed level 1 in manual book keeping and will be appearing for level 2 and 3 in October. I will look to do part time jobs in bookkeeping after that. At the same time, I'm thinking to do a Chartered Accountants course starting next year where I can continue with PT job and do my studies. Please advice if I have chosen the right career for my self. Thanks in advance.
Not sure if this is the right career for you !! Do you like numbers - that's a good start !!
Sorry for the sarcasm but without knowing you or what you like you are asking a difficult question to answer. All I can tell you is that bookkeeping and accounts is a very satisying and enjoyable career for most and this forum is excellent for meeting like minded people and getting information to help you along.
Thanks for your reply I really appreciate it. I'd like to tell you something more about me as it might help you to understand more about me and then you might be able to give me a right advice.
I'm a graduate in Chemistry prior to this and then I worked as a Quality Coach for few years for Vodafone. So until now my career was bit mixed up. Few months back I started with bookkeeping and and I have to admit that I quiet enjoyed it which is also related to numbers.
I've no idea how the chartered accountants course would be but I think its some how related to bookkeeping and as I have managed to find bookkeeping quiet interesting, I thought of doing chartered accountants course. I hope this gives you a clear picture about me.
I look forward to your reply. Others opinion is also welcome.