thanks for your reply but I didnt think that companies themselves could buy them ??!! Also as an individuls premium bond, I have put it to directors loan account . think I'll give ICB a ring on this one. Thank you for your help.
You are quite right a ltd company can't buy them (should have realised it wasn't that straight forward!!) and I have just learned something too.
I have had a look at the rules of buying a premium bond and you have to buy them for yourself. The only exceptions are if you are parent, grandparent, greatgrand parent of a child under 16, or for a person with a lack of capacity to buy them themselves. They are also not transferable, so ignoring any rules governing what a limited company can do, it seems that they can only be bought by and for the name registered with NS&I.
Having said all that, if a director has bought them for themselves using company funds, then it sounds like it is a loan to the director.