Hi, I'm unsure if a phone bill can be put through as part of a business expense if it is in a spouse's name. I have a client who is in a partnership and both partners have mobile or home phones which are all used for business (and some personal) purposes, the problem im having is one of the partners mobile bills is in his wifes name so i'm not sure if this is legit to put through. I have recently taken this client on and i'm starting from 2008 so it is impossible for my client to highlight which are business calls. Any help is welcome!
My reasoning is that if this were allowed then everyone would put through private expenses claiming them to be business expenses.
I'm sure that the partner is completely honest and above board but going forwards he really should have his mobile in the business name rather than his own or even his partners.
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I'm going to be a little bit contentious here (for a change!), if the calls are legitimately for the business then allow them. Ask that very question and if your client assures you they are business calls it is not for you to disbelieve him. Make a note in your file to this effect or even write to your client saying you have included the calls on this bill as he has explained they are business calls. If the business however is a company then disregard this as the bill needs to be in the company name.