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Post Info TOPIC: ICB Level 3 Manual studies with Ideal School

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ICB Level 3 Manual studies with Ideal School
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Hi everyone

I passed my ICB Level 2 manual exam in July, and I have started studying Level 3 manual with Ideal Schools, I am working through there study material and have completed the first four assignments.  I am finding Level 3 a step up from Level 2, just wondered if anyone else is doing the above course, and how you are finding the course.  I have also purchased from ICB Kaplan Advanced Bookkeeping and Kaplan Advancing Bookkeeping Kit, I have not started on these books, is anyone else using these books?





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Hi Remington,

We've already had some correspondence about this under topic "ICB Training - Advice Needed". Nice to hear how you are getting on. Sounds like the Ideal Schools course is helping you. Comments on the forum show not all home study courses are, lot of disappointed people out there looking for alternatives, so if you rate IS do let others know.

Having just passed L2M+C exams, I too am gunning for L3 now. I'm trying a quick route, drawing on (faded but still there) knowledge I gained doing AAT 7 years ago. I've already booked my L3M exam for a week on Monday (11 Oct), nothing like putting yourself under pressure!
I agree L3 is quite a step up from L2 and needs more preparation. My approach (for all exams) is to:
- print off the syllabus from ICB website, use it as a guide to what areas of study I need to concentrate on
- download and print a couple of past papers from ICB website, use these to see what sort of depth of knowledge is required (some text books go in to much more detail than you need)
- buy appropriate text book(s) and flag up the relevant sections I need to study
- do the study, textbook exercises and past paper questions until I am confident.

I bought Frank Wood's "Business Accounting 1" rather than Kaplan books as couldn't get any feedback on Kaplan. I was tempted as the books are described as being geared specifically towards ICB exam, so be interested to hear how you get on with them.

Be happy to help if you get stuck at any point (and vice versa), helping someone else is often a very good way to learn! You can post a question on the forum or email me direct. Good luck.



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Hi Phil

Thanks very much for your comments and advice, much appreciated.
Good luck with the exam on 11 Oct, I will be interested to know how you find it




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I too have completed level 1 and 2 and I am doing level 3 with IDeal school...
I am finding level three much much harder than level 2 and its a real step up..
I don't seem to be able to take much in and keep getting things wrong... think I need to start at the beginning and work my way through it again....
I do agree its a lot harder though.




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I am using the Kaplan books and then going to other books when clarification is required.

In my opinion, the beginners and intermediate book was ok but  I find the advanced book not so good (am having to go to other books more than I would like).  

One problem with doing this is that some times the other books account for things differently they also have different layouts for statements.

When doing ICB exams do I have to do it the way it is done in the Kaplan book or are any of the methods/formats/Key definitions acceptable and I can simply pick the one I understand the best ?

For example, from my understanding -

Accounting for Depreciation

Kaplan uses three accounts - Fixed Asset Account, Accounting Expense Account and Provision for Depreciation account. Each year the Accounting Expense account is written off to the Profit and Loss account and the Balance Sheet has recorded on it the accumulated depreciation from the Provision for Depreciation. Whereas other books only use Fixed Asset account and Provision for Depreciation account and the profit and loss and balance sheet figures come from this account.

Accounting for Preference Shares (level 3)

The Kaplan book appears to treat these as long term liabilities i.e.its dividends charged to the Profit and Loss account and the preference shares recorded as a long term liability in the balance sheet . Some other books seem to put preference shares and their dividends in the balance sheet only,  the shares as a capital share figure and the dividend as a reduction in the reserves figure.

It is also confusing going from book to book as to who owns the company - is it the ordinary share holders or the ordinary and preference share holders together?


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Hi Margo,

Very interested in your comments. I just posted elsewhere this am saying I was disappointed with F Wood's "Business Account 1" and wishing I'd bought the Kaplan books. Yours is first feedback I've seen on kaplan books and they don't look too hot either.
ICB did tell me though that Kaplan is geared for the ICB exam. Re your specific queries:
- I don't quite understand the need for 3 accounts re FA dep'n. Sounds like the "Accounting Expense Account" might be for asset running costs, eg machinery maintenance which is charged to P+L and not related to deprec'n which is separately charged to P+L
- as far as I'm concerned, pref shares are part of capital and shown in financed-by section of BS, unlike debentues which are LTL and are deducted before calc total assets. Pref share/ord share div is paid out after net profit is calc'd, debenture interest is an expense in the pre-NP calcs. Re payment of div from reserves, my book refers me to another book and to be honest, this stuff is way beyond what you need for L3M exam.

At this level, there are often several ways of showing things/interpreting things in accounts. Thing is, for the purposes of getting through this exam, we only want to know the ICB examiner's way, right? When we start doing the job for real, that's when the theory is hardened up by experience in practice. Being overloaded with alternative approaches or excessive detail now is not helpful in preparing for this exam.

Case in point: I've had a problem with the downloaded L3M Oct 09 past paper, the answer given to part of Q4 was irrelevant so I emailed ICB for correct answer, they replied with what they thought was answer and their interpretation of gearing differed from mine so I posted query on the forum and got definitive answer from WELLA. I've passed it on to ICB for reference and asked if they can check it out with the examiners.

Only solution I can suggest is to discover what subjects need to concentrate on by reading syllabus. Then determine level of knowledge and specifics required for ICB exam by buying+downloading past papers (only £5 each) and doing mock exam (£10). I've already looked at two past papers (Jun+Oct 09), today I've just downloaded the Feb 10 past paper (that I think has only recently been added to the list) and bought the mock exam, which I'll take sometime next week as my actual exam date is rapidly approaching.

I find the online exam format friendlier with L1+2M exams, I'm hoping will apply at L3 so be interested to see how goes with online mock exam.

Annemarie, I've tended to think home study courses a bit over the top and unnecessary expense, but I'm beginning to think differently in view of confusion between text books. I think I would definitely recommend for someone stepping up to L3 with no prior knowledge beyond ICB Level 2.


-- Edited by PhilMcTankup on Saturday 2nd of October 2010 11:37:58 AM


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Took the online L3M mock exam today, very well worth the effort. I'd def recommend doing it as is very like the real exam format and same time allowed (2 hours).

Good news is that, as I expected, you don't need to remember how to lay things out, you are given layout and just need to type answers in boxes.

Bad news, it's marked by computer box by box, so if you type a wrong answer you lose a mark for that AND every sub total below that depends on it. A human marker would spot this and make allowances for. In one question, I made a silly mistake in calc'ing the NBV for a fixed asset, lost 1 mark for that then 3 more marks as error rippled through balance sheet. So, you need to be extra careful each figure is worked out correctly AND is typed in correctly (totals below aren't formulas like on a spreadhseet so typos won't show up that way).
I had enough time to complete the questions then go through it all again checking my calcs and typing accuracy.

Anyway, I passed the mock with 89% (70% needed) so overall the good points must outweigh the bad ones.

Afterwards a report is available in your personal login area on ICB website, you can look at any time. Shows each question in full with correct answers, shows your answers with clear indication whether you passed or failed each mark, allowing you to see exactly where you went wrong. I feel more confident now, well worth a tenner!




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Hi Phil,

Thanks for your commentssmile They are much appreciated. The way you approached the exams makes a lot of sense and I will be taking your advice. 

I had also hoped that the ICB member on this form would have posted to clarify this from ICB's perspective (He was away for a while  - so maybe he has not seen it yet).

In relation to the level 3 manal exam  - is there a lot of typing involved (e.g explain this or define that etc ) or is it mostly multiple choice and filling in figures in boxes ? Is the time adequate? 

I will be doing the mock before I do the real exam as well but depending on how they expect us to answer the questions will (to some degree) affect the way I study the topics.





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margo wrote:

In relation to the level 3 manal exam  - is there a lot of typing involved (e.g explain this or define that etc ) or is it mostly multiple choice and filling in figures in boxes ? Is the time adequate?

I can't see how there can be ANY detailed typing involved as it is being marked by computer - which for someone like me is a good thing as that is where I am usually let down on my assignments.



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Hi All,

Just had a quick read before my lunch;

Excellent feedback, glad people are liking the new online papers.

  • The following on or recurring error, where you make an error which affects your work further down the paper, has always been marked down, for each question.

    Main reason for this is that if you make a small mistake it could become a very large one, especially with VAT or something, and at the end of the day Bookkeepers need to be bang on. So we can't give you 99% if your £100k off on VAT. It is a tough call but it was decided at a members council meeting a few years ago.
  • The formating of answers should not matter, ICB has its own custom built software which works out what you are trying to say, no matter what format you type the answer (eg: 3000, £3000, £3,000, £3,000.00 etc)
  • ICB do not accredit Frank Woods books, so I would always recommend Kaplan or Peter Marshall text books which are.
  • When studying do use the syllabus and past papers, but remember your not just trying to pass a test, your preparing yourself for work or clients. Past papers can't cover all the syllabus and every now and then they change what bits they cover.

I am glad the reports are helping (my idea biggrin)  and yes the online papers do remove a lot of the formatting and layout worries.

Hope this helps


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Thanks for the feedback James. Great to have an ICB voice on the forum.

Fair point about penalising the ripple effect. I always thought that examiners, if they could see that you had made a mistake but otherwise knew what you were doing, would only penalise you once for the mistake. I know this can't be done in a computer-marked exam, I was only flagging it up for others to be aware. My overall impression of the exam format remains favourable.

Re formtting of input, I noticed in the L3M mock that formatting is automatically adjusted by the system when you move on from a question. On going back to review my answers, I noticed .00 pence had been added.
One thing that worried me was warning given about not using negative values, I recall one value input as positive was converted to a negative number by the system but I think I also had to put in at least one value as negative, it all worked out anyway.

From posts I've read on the forum, I could see there were a few people struggling with studies, especially with apparent poor support from some home-learning colleges. My suggestions for focusing on exam technique, apart from preparation for the exam itself, were to motivate my fellow students and help them move forward rather than get bogged down. I agree an understanding of the wider picture is necessary to have confidence going into the workplace.




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Hi Phil,

The negatives problem is that few people have entered a value in the balance sheet liabilities, for example 'Less Creditors', in brackets.

The computer will see this as a double negative. If it is listed as Less Creditors, putting a negative figure in would mean they owe you.

So for things like Profit/Loss or Cash in Bank you could use brackets if it is a loss or overdraft.

Just to be clear the system will accept negatives as numbers in brackets, a minus sign or O/D e.g:
£20 O/D

It will format your numbers as you save, add a .00 and remove £ sign etc. If it cannot understand what you have put e.g. '£3,000 (inc VAT)', it will tell you. It won't change positives to negatives, maybe might have accidently hit the - sign?


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Phil you are correct in your assumption regarding examiners and the ripple effect, when I worked for an awarding body on schemes accredited on the QCF (which I only gave up last year) we only penalised the original error. However, ICB is a professional organisation rather than an awarding body and presumably his its own rules.


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On your point about home learning colleges, any in particular?

The ICB keeps a firm eye on all training providers. The system here flags any provider that falls below the high standards the ICB sets.

There is a monthly review of examination results. Any complaints received are dealt with quickly and resolved (assuming they are proper complaints).

There is also an annual meeting with the providers, and quite often other meetings held.

Nearly all of the tutors are ICB Members (New ICB policy coming into effect next year is that all tutors should be members), so they get the newsletter, attend members meetings, and probably on this forum etc.


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You might be interested in reading topic "Home Learning College - rip off!!!" in the Training area...I think the title more or less sums up what's in there... wink



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Ah, that was while I was away.

Reading it though seems the problems with the actual training are the AAT courses, although I cannot comment as we are not involved with that.

Home Learning College, as far as I am aware, offer unlimited telephone tutoring over 2 years, which is more than some of the others. They also include the software, ICB registration and examination fees. This makes them more expencive than those who don't include fees or software, and may only have email tutoring.

If you call our course support line you would be advised that if you don't need a full time tutor, either because of experience or not available during the day, the better plan is to go for another provider who offers email tutoring, or a 6 month course rather than 2 years etc.

All Home Learning College bookkeeping tutors are ICB members, having passed the subject they are teaching. Their results are consistently above the national average.

And with regards to the AAT course being expencive, others have posted on this forum saying it is now over £500 to do the AAT examinations, so comparing their prices to a college that does not include software or examination fees you have to take this into account.

I personally always say, ring around before buying, not just with courses.

For a list of accredited training providers:

Hope this helps


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The problem isnt wth the tutors, it is with the pushy (and that is being kind to them) sales people. It is not restricted to AAT, it is AAT, ICB, Sage and what ever else they offer.

They stung my wife for £500 for some poorly written sage course years ago when she was just 18, for one of their "one night only offers," the sales guy having made sure she was home alone. Any attempt to cancel the course resulted in threatening letters and the threat of bailiffs.

I am sure the tutors are fine, i notice 5 of 6 of the nominees for the ICB tutor of the year award were from the ICB, but there sales techniques are terrible and all students, AAT or ICB, should be warned against them.



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Hi John,

I don't know much about their sales techniques, I thought they were doing more online now. We are meeting with them later this month I will put this topic on the agenda.

Home Learning College were the first to only hire ICB members as tutors, so the students could talk to someone who has done the course and the exams. Also they could meet them in person at ICB meetings.

I think that has gone a long way towards them being nominated by the students for more awards than any other provider.


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Their salesman told me , I *had* to be registered with a supervisory body for MLR and it wasn't an option to just register with HMRC.

When I questioned him about it, he said the law had changed and he was *surprised* I didn't know about or that I couldn't find any reference to it anywhere !!


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Oh dear that's not good.

We do keep an eye on them, sometimes we do get stories like that but because they rarely lead to a sale, they tend to learn their lesson.

Although, as far as I am aware, originally HMRC were not going to be a supervisory body. It was only when the professional bodies said they didn't want all the bookkeepers/accountants because they had standards to be met, that the Treasury needed a 'catch all net' for those who could not pass examinations.


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James, have you seen the link below? I know it has already been posted and i am not sure of the source but it does make interesting reading.

It would be interesting to hear what HLC say at you meeting later this month, as alot of people on here dont have much good to say about HLC.



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Hi John,

Are you an ex HLC student who has had a bad experience? smile You seem to have registered here 2 days ago and just posting negative stuff.

The link is a little daft, it is not comparing like for like:

The sage comparason, Emagister £80 + VAT is for a 2 hour workshop, not a course. HLC include exam fees, registration fees, software, tutoring, its a 2 year course.

AAT comparason, Premier Training £199 is for one level, no fees included. HLC is for all 3 levels (I think), includes fees (other posts on this forum have pointed out AAT now costs over £500 + admin fees) and the software.

Think I need more information that what is listed on that site before I agree with it.


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My wife has had a bad experience with HLC, and from what i have read on here she isnt the only one.

As for the negative stuff, are we not hear to discuss/debate, and hopefully help others to learn from our mistakes/ experiences.

I did give a couple of caveats about the link, but i did think it was interesting. I assume there are many students who have a good experience with HLC especially with their tutors but, i think there are enough people who have had a bad experince with HLC as a company to warrant some debate.



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Just had a read of that site on my lunch, or rather the comments left by others. I am glad to say there are no comments from ICB course students (or atleast no one mentions they are studying ICB), seems to be AAT.

However I will still add it to the discussions for the meeting.

The price comparason though is rather unfair.

Good point John about the debate, sorry to hear your wife had problem with them, but I think debates should be fair, and websites that claim HLC's costs are only £80 obviously have not done their research.


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Hi James

Any reply from HLC?




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Didn't realise this was another HLC thread. James, if you think HLC only rip off AAT students you are sadly mistaken. They were a nightmare to deal with. The support (from Stow College) was non existent, the wouldnt let me sit the ICB exam for months as I hadn't completed one of their assessments, they eventually admitted that the assessment I hadn't done didn't, in fact, exist.

I would NEVER go near them and I have always been shocked that ICB would choose to be linked to HLC.

Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

The views expressed in this post are my own personal (HRA protected) views, and are not representative of any organisation I have any involvement with.


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Yes did get complaints about Stow college, and after talking with HLC they have now dropped Stow and you can study direct with HLC.

Your complaint would be about Stow not HLC, as Stow just bought HLC courses and resold them. Something to do with Scottish education but I cannot remember what.

John Boy, not sure what I was supposed to be asking them.

October results are in, and again HLC results are above national average for every qualification.

Guys I'm sorry but the stats show they are at the top. If we receive a written complaint then we look into it seriously, as it reflects badly on the ICB.

HLC register 300-400 students every month, we probably get 1 complaint a quarter. That is a pretty good ratio, probably the best out of all the colleges. (btw not all complaints are real, some are just daft).

Trust me, the ICB has dropped accreditation from colleges who do not hit the very high targets set by the ICB. If the ICB didn't think HLC were any good they would be removed, same goes for all ICB acrcredited courses.


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No My complaint is about HLC, that's who I bought the course from, tha'ts who my contract is with. Saying anything else is like buying a fridge from curry's and it breaking and them saying you need to speak to the manufacturer, that's not the legal stance.

I get to the stage where I think ICB are going the right way then I read things like this which quite honestly anger me. ICB are saying they care more about money than their members. HLC rip people off, pressure sell and lie to achieve sales and ICB don't care. HLC deserve to end up on BBC rouge traders for their sales techniques.

Maybe most people don't complain to ICB because they get feedback like the above.


-- Edited by kjmcculloch on Tuesday 2nd of November 2010 10:47:11 AM

Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

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Ok I am trying to help here, but you have to see it from both sides.

Now you said Stow wouldn't let you do the exam, and that the support from Stow doesn't exist.

I said we did receive complaints about Stow, and now no longer work with Stow.

We get letters saying how wonderful HLC are, they are above national average with their results.

They also are no way near the most expencive bookkeeping course I have seen.

I have also stated that we have stopped working with colleges, larger than HLC, because of complaints or failure to meet standards.

Where did I say that the ICB care more about money than members? The ICB is members, it is a membership body. People who make their minds up about this sort of thing are members, some who have studied with HLC.

Do you have examples of these lies? Or that they rip people off? Because we will take this up as very serious.

The ICB is very passionate about this, and quite frankly it upsets me to hear you say these things.


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Although stow did the course, HLC were responsible. They employ the salesman I am complaining about. If they outsource the support that is not my concern, but they are still responsible.

Ok, you're going to need to give me an example of these expensive courses then, because I've yet to see one.

I say ICB care more about money as in your comments that is what comes through clearly, HLC provide some 300-400 students per month. Are you telling me ICB don't get their fees? Where would that income come from if not from HLC?

Yes. I was told I had to sign there and then to get the deal. He phoned his manager to try to get it cheaper. He told me about the fantastic support- a lie.

Frankly it upsets me to see you defending this shower.


Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

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Ok I can't keep going back and forth but you are still talking about the failure of support, which came from Stow College, which we dealt with and no longer accredit.

As far as I am aware we get no complaints about the support from HLC tutors, as they are all ICB members infact. Actually if you are an HLC student you can meet your tutors at ICB meetings.

HLC don't make the students up, if HLC don't sell them a course someone else would (hopefully still ICB courses biggrin).


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You are supposed to get a 2 year tutor support with HLC, but i assure everybody on here this is not the case, your emails can take up to 2 weeks to be answered, the work books are full of errors, my boss doctered one of my assignments which i sent to be marked, and it came back to me with an A grade, i had doubts that my assignments were not being marked properely. The exam centres that HLC are sending you to also have untrained people there who did not know what to do with our exam papers the list goes on and on.  And if James thinks there are other training providers that are more expensive than HLC. Trust me the amount HLC are charging for their AAT courses what you are getting for the price is total rubbish. I think it is totally disgusting what they are getting away with, when people are working hard to pay off these huge amounts for something that justs stresses you out.  I think of lot of the accreditated bookkeeping people are turning a blind eye to this. Probarly a lot of people have passed with HLC, but it is because they have bought additional material to help them pass and done the course on their own back.

S A Dennis


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James would have you believe only AAT have problems with HLC, I would suggest this is NOT the case.

Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

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biggrinbiggrinbiggrin 'keep smilling James'

Sally-Anne did you do an ICB course or an AAT course?

I ask because HLC is split into faculties, they (as I understand it) control the sales-marking-tutoring etc.

The faculty for the ICB is made up of ICB members, and gets a lot of praise.


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Oh I will also add the HLC bookkeepers course (more recently) is written by ICB members too


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Yeah, HLC are great. At least this of us who have paid our hard earned money wont buy that nonsense.

Lets not forget who has had first hand experience us, or you.

The sales people are the same regardless what course you are buying.  I know that because the one who came to me stated by trying to sell me AAT, so you're argument in rubbish.


-- Edited by kjmcculloch on Tuesday 2nd of November 2010 02:24:41 PM

Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

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Why is it then, that the new course books are even full of errors, and on there virtual learning site on a daily basis errata sheets are being posted.!!!!

S A Dennis


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but that'll be AAT. Sally-anne. Their ICB section is perfect. disbelief.gif

Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

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I quite agree with you Kris I have got nothing for my money from HLC, just a load of stress and a debt for two years, god it makes me so mad that business's are getting away with this.Still you learn by your mistakes, sadly for me a very expensive one.

S A Dennis


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It doesn't help when supposed professional bodies are backing these people over their own members. Who are new students going to look to? By the time they realise it's too late.


Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

The views expressed in this post are my own personal (HRA protected) views, and are not representative of any organisation I have any involvement with.


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Kris please listen to what I am saying, as I remember it, Stow College was responsible for the information given, tutoring, support, assessment marking etc. We no longer work with them. Your complaints seem to be about Stow.

The sales people get their information from the faculty (in HLC or Stow College if you live in Scotland). When they first started selling AAT I think they did have a push, and had targets to meet (so were selling AAT to people who wanted ICB). We did hear about this and have been assured they have stopped, as it just led to confusion later on.

Sally-Anne, did you do an ICB course then? Because you mention AAT? I am not aware of ICB courses having errors in them, I think they started re-writing their courses using ICB members this year.


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The sales person who came to my house said I would get a full version of Sage, I told her I did not want the Sage package, because I had already got the full version of Sage, she then went on to say HLC's Sage was made by the AAT, another lie, AAT have got nothing to do with Sage, when i received the Sage package it was a 180 day version, another blatant lie.

S A Dennis


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Hi Sally-Anne,

This is pretty bad, and rather daft (not heard anyone claiming Sage is made by the AAT) biggrin

However, and I know this is going to sound really bad, but I cannot do anything about AAT courses as we do not meet the AAT faculty.

The ICB has quite a hold on its recommend course providers, and in the past a review has been done on HLC and they moved quickly to sort things out.

We don't get any information on AAT courses, success rates, costs, sales etc, either.

EDIT: have you told the AAT this?

-- Edited by ICBUK on Tuesday 2nd of November 2010 02:38:43 PM


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It's okay James I just wanted to warn people about HLC's pushy sales people and what you do not get for your money, yes I have put in a complaint to the AAT and also trading standards, and i do know for a fact that i am not the only person who is going down this path.

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James, Please listen to what I am saying. I bought a course from HLC. HLC is at the top of all paperwork, HLC is on the invoice, HLC is on the coursework. It is a HLC course. My contract is with HLC.

Now if HLC choose to outsource this provision, or sell it off... That doesn't matter. They don;t just wipe their hands as you seem to be suggesting.

Therefore my complaints are about HLC.

I'm glad you suggest they have stopped trying to upsell, whether they have or not is neither here nor there, they did with me.


Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

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You said you were going to add the rediculous sales techniques of HLC to your learning providers meeting. Did you get a response?

Obviously i am not alone in my feelings about and experience with HLC.



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You're Far from alone John,

But it seems the ICB blinkers wont let them see the true extent of the situation. Perhaps the revenue stream is too appealing?  I notice this is one of my comments earlier that seems to have been glossed over.  Just how much do ICB earn off the back of HLC?


-- Edited by kjmcculloch on Tuesday 2nd of November 2010 03:32:15 PM

Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

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Guys your starting to wear me out smile I am supposed to be on your side

John Boy - they sent two tutors, the board contact we have was called to a last minute meeting of some sort. We are meeting them again in a couple of months.

Kris - OK, I hear what you are saying. Since you bought the course things have changed, you were not the only one with the kind of complaints you were having, and since the changes we have not had anymore.

Kris: 'Just how much do ICB earn off the back of HLC?' You are the ICB, the ICB is not for profit. There are no shareholders making money, I have said this before.

If the ICB receives £10, it spends £10 on the members somehow.

However, I do not have access to those figures, but 300 x £25 or £45. 


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I thought you were too. So you have had complaints? or you haven't? You're starting to Contradict yourself. You said "no complaints about the support from HLC tutors" now you say "you were not the only one with the kind of complaints"

That's not really an answer. How much does the ICB, as an organisation, earn from HLC?

This is a real issue of mine, I spent a fortune on these useless lot.


Kris McCulloch 
Tel: 01563 370123

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Do you not speak to them more often than that?

Could you not initiate some contact with them as there does seem to be s number who have had issues with HLC sales people?

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