A rather embassassing incident today got me thinking about security of data
Everything is done on my home pc. I copy the data files onto two memory sticks. I remove one from the machine at night and (don't laugh) take it into the bedroom with me, I also take it with me if I leave the house overnight. If I didn't, knowing my luck, burglars would steal my pc or it would be destroyed in a house fire or get frazled by a lightning strike (do I worry too much?)
Anyway, when opening the bathroom blinds this morning, I managed to drop the stick down the loo (fortunately the loo water was clean!) Cursing, I rinsed it under the tap and put it to dry in the sun all day. Put it in the pc this evening and it works fine (phew).
I need to develop a better method of data security than this
I understand there are facilities you can pay for online enabling you to store data in a remote secure server at a fee. Anyone use them?
I suppose I could password-protect the files and attach them to a draft email and store it remotely that way for free, seems a bit cumbersome and slow though.
I use a service called dropbox for all my critical data - Sage, Payroll etc. As well as an external drive at home for general backup. The first 2gb is free
I'm sure there's lots of choices though
-- Edited by ADAS on Thursday 30th of September 2010 08:53:37 PM
-- Edited by ADAS on Thursday 30th of September 2010 08:55:04 PM
Responses are intended as outline only. Formal advice should be sort from your Institutes Technical Department or a suitably qualified Accountant.
My internet security package (Norton 360) comes with 2GB of remote backup free, you can also upgrade at a cost for more storage.
It is customisable so it runs automatically when the machine is idle and only copies files that you want backed up.
I think it was about £60 for the package (for three PCs/ Laptops) and I prefer it to Mcafee, although it does slow down emails transmission quite a bit