I have received a new bill from our energy supplier. On the last bill they estimated the readings, but on this bill they have the actual readings, however we are still in credit from what we paid for the estimated bill last quarter and therefore they are going pay this directly into our bank account.
I have put a credit note on their purchase ledger account - to include the VAT as well(even though it is really a bill) and then made a deposit into the bank account, however this doesn't clear the credit note on the supplier's account.
I would post an invoice to cancel the credit note - the credit note is not needed as the money has been refunded. Post the bank receipt to the same nominal account as the bill.
I had the exact same scenario recently on the change of supplier. Don't you just hate it when a supplier pays you an overpayment rather than taking it from the next bill.
Anyway I posted the receipt to gas nominal code, and put a 'dummy' invoice on the supplier account so that the account was not in credit.
If you have done it another way in QB it is easy to just delete the transactions you have made and do as above.