I am currently doing OCR level 1 manual and level 2 computerised and plan on doing level 2 and 3 next , hopefully when im working as a bookkeeper next year( currently working in web and database admin)
If I wanted to then do AAT, what is the best way to go? home study, day release from work or if possible evening?
Ideally ide liek to do day release rfom wrok if my employer allowed - but the question i ask is - would my employer most likely fund it and would he doc my wages for that day im in college?
Please share the methods you all studied for your AAT qualification(s)
When I did my AAT, I did a night course, 2 nights a week from 6pm til 9pm straight after work at the local college and my employer paid for it. They didnt do day release as it would have cost them about £300 a day in lost work from me.
You would have to put forward the suggestion to your employer, only he can answer that.
Perhaps if you can find some info on grants or other funding that your employer may be able to apply for to pay for the course, this might sweeten the day release idea.
I am currently doing my level 4 AAT. I have done all levels on day release paid for by myself.
This year however, my employer offered to pay for the fees as it is in their interest for me to learn more and there are grants available that your employer can claim back. I know other people who have day release and get paid. But as Merlion answered....it depends on the employer. I would struggle to do the night classes as it would be less evenings for homework....but that wouldn't be an issue if you don't have children