Hi All Just after a bit of advice please. I have been working as a bookkeeper with a chartered accountant for the last three years, just one day a week. I would like to gain proper qualifications to enable me to work from home taking on more clients, but also in approximately two years, we will be moving to Australia, and would also like to be qualified to work as a bookkeeper in Australia. I know there may be some differences in UK and Oz so I may have to take some smaller courses to make sure I understand Australian systems but I would like the qualification I do here, to be recognised in Australia. Hope that makes sense.
I have actually got Level 1,2 & 3 Manual books from Ideal School and Level 2&3 computerised. I bought these second hand so no tutor support. Should I just work through these books, and get ICB Qualified, then can I sit AAT exams etc? Or should I just bite the bullet do the AAT course, then sit the ICB exams etc? What Im trying to say is would doing one bodies work, ie AAT or ICB, give the knowledge to sit the exams for the other. And if I just used the course work I have already, would I need tutor support?
Hope that all makes and sense and someone can offer me some advice Thanks so much Lara
Well first I would say there would be not much point in doing AAT then ICB, or vice versa, if you are moving to Australia.
If you get ICB UK qualifications, and ICB UK membership, these can be partly transfered to the ICB Oz membership. You would need to get a qualification in Oz tax and, if you wanted to offer it, payroll. The ICB Oz have these qualifications so you could do theirs, I believe they are available online.
ICB Oz website is www.icb.org.au send them an email. Quite a few ICB UK members are moving to Oz lately.