I am working for a company whose year end is the 31st December and I am still entering December transactions.
I also want to start entering January transactions, is there anything I need to do before I can start this? do I need to change the financial year or anything yet?
I have already entered a couple without changing anything or doing anything differently to entering December transactions.
Also I have set up a new tax code for the 20% vat, I have changed T3 to 20% vat, is this ok? and also do you know how to set this code as the default?
On this note (silly question alert) I have just started doing some work for a company which has not had an accountant before, purely used a bookkeeper. I believe (after he told me about a VERY hefty tax bill) that they would definately benefit from an accountant and will reccomend one that has been good to me ( !) . So, I guess I wouldn't process month/year ends and this is best left to the accountant to make the adjustments at the end of the year? Thoughts please!!