Basically I was looking at the calculation for WTC element on HMRC form, Basic 06/04-5/04/11 £1923.55 Second Adult 06/04-5/04/11 £1890.7 30 hour 06/04-5/04 £792.05 Tot 34606.3 then it states relocation due to income £4606.3 Amount due £0 Estimated income for 2010/11 joint £34078
They state the calc as 34078 less 6420 allow 27658 *39%=10786 What I meant in the post was, if a couple earning £34078 jointly don't get any WTC according to above, at what point does joint income actually allow you to receive WTC.
I am going to read through all the notes on HMRC as I need to fully grasp this.