Hi, I've been having a look at the list of training providers mentioned on the ICB website and have called a couple of them. Clever Cloggs have responded to all my queries (phone and email) promptly and seem to have good student support in place.
It would be much appreciated if anyone that has been with Clever Cloggs can give me any feedback?
Good day, I am also signed up with Clever Cloggs and I think they are very efficient and professional. I did a lot of research and found them to have the best reputation and if you look at the testimonials page, there should even be a couple of people who would be willing to have a chat about CC and their experience. Good luck
I did my training with Ideal Schools. They won training provider of the year and student of the year at the last ICB awards.
You also need to think about how many of the exams you want to cover. Ideal cover the entire ICB syllabus (that's one of the reasons I went with them) and I'm not sure that Clever Cloggs do? Some providers offer a discount if you take multiple courses so if you have to change provider part way through it could cost more!
I recommend Training link, fast turn around and even get answers to my queries at weekends. Really helpful and got my mock marked within hours because I wanted to order the exam that day. Passed all my exams with them with distinctions.
Lrudge you have confirmed my initial impressions of them which is good to know!
Addenuff I did look at Ideal Schools and although I looked at their career path course which was appealing they didn't seem to offer the amount of help and advice that Clever Cloggs do.
ES thanks for that, I will also look at Training Link and give them a ring. I have seen a lot of positive feedback for them on the forum.