On my bank statement there is a payment to HMRC for a VAT retrun. What nominal code should this be posted to and does it go under T9? Do i put it to the bank payment option in sage?
Proberly a silly question but just a little unsure.
If you have run the VAT transfer wizard, there should be a credit amount in your VAT Liability account - 2202. This will then be cleared to zero when you post your bank payment.
Hello - if you have latest version of Sage you will note in your Manage VAT section the VAT Return there is a paid column. This will have N under until you have entered the payment. Highlight the VAT return you are paying/receiving refund for and press payment button - it will open up as a bank account. Tax code is T9 as nothing to be declared on return.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900