This is not strictly bookkeeping but I am wondering if anyone has experience of software which helps convert pdf files?
I want to download a suppliers price list and customise it. Used to make my own on excel but these days there is so much more detail and often great graphics it is good to amend the originals.
I am currently trying out Nitro pdf on a trial version, has anyone got views one that or alternate suggestions. please?
Does this help at all We use some software at work that can convert pdf files into excel, but it is payware. If you are interested I can try and find out the name of it. I think it was around £100
Thank you both for the links, I tried one of them and although it's handy, it's not for me. I want something installed and there for me whenever I want. I do lots of copy and paste, between graphics.
I am pleased with the Nitro, in fact when I found it, it was a Eureka moment, but I need lots more practice. I've overrun my trial so have watermarks everywhere.
Before I think of buying it, I'd like to know that I've checked other similar prgrammes, if there are any, for performance and price.
It helps to know you are impressed with Nitro, Bill, thank you.