I haven't done Y/E process on sage before but I have entered Y/E jounals as instructed by the Accountant. The Y/E is 31/12/10, do I set the prog date to that before I do process as a warning came up when I started at the current date? Sorry, just never done this before and want to get it right. I have done back up!! Regards, Tony.
Hi, hope you coped ok - just to make sure - did you tick the box archive company data before year end? If on newest version it is now ticked automatically for you. This allows you to look at company archive in the future. After year end is a good point in time to look at clearing audit trail etc. etc. (dont forget to change the date as you wont want to clear present work, personally I always keep around 6 months prior to year end)
I always save historic invoice's to PDF file.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900