One of my clients owns a pub employing part time bar staff, glass collectors etc.
One of the bar staff is now off due to illness. Her usual hours of work are between 6 and 12 per week which means her wage is under the LEL and therefore wouldn't qualify for SSP (?) BUT over the last couple of months she has done extra shifts which makes her wage over the LEL. Her average wage over the last 8 weeks is £117 - should she be paid SSP?
I have a client who employs casual staff and 1 went sick and because their average earnings for the last 8 weeks were over LEL we had to pay it, I checked it with HMRC and they said we had to pay it (I was also told not to include the time they were on holiday and not paid!).
Hi, I agree he will have to pay the SSP. There's a very slim chance your client can get SSP recovery if the SSP paid is more than 13% of the Class 1 NICs in the tax month. Have a look at Good luck :) Amanda
The only way he might could get away with it is if the qualifying period is changed to longer than 8 weeks. I believe he is allowed to do that but he must have an agreement about it with the employees or their representatives so everybody is fully aware of it and everybody must accept it before he can change it. I am not 100% on it but I seem to remember reading it somewhere...Anyway it is too late to change it now.