Could anyone recommend a good book for the Payroll qualification. I already do payroll for two clients, so have a bit of experience and have done the Pitman's manual and computerised payroll course so I don't really want to spend more on another expensive course and was hoping I could self study for this.
I telephoned the ICB this morning to ask if they had any recommendations and they weren't terribly helpful. They couldn't recommend any books, only that I buy a past paper from their online shop to see if I could do it.
I assume you have to have some payroll software to print reports from? I was looking at the Sage Instant Payroll self study workbooks, but I'm guessing this doesn't cover the manual side?
Many thanks for replying. I have been with Ideal Schools for my Level I, II and III manual and computerised exams, hence the reason why I didn't really want to fork out another £400 odd on another course, otherwise I probably would have done this.
Hi Pauline, You say you already have some experience so why not check out the syllabus content on ICB's website, see that you understand and can do all they ask, and then just apply for the test? That's what I did for the bookkeeping 1,2 and 3. Although I am now governed by the Institute of Financial Accountants due to the nature of the work in my practice. Hope this helps.
Many thanks. I will print off the Syllabus shortly. I feel that I don't really know enough about things like holiday pay and statutory maternity and sick pay etc to take the exam straight away, just needed some refreshing!