I already have Sage instants V10 and V12 on my laptop for 2 different customers. I am about to get another instants a later version for new client, how do I custom install it on my laptop. The last time my friend whos a computer wizz did it for me and did it under custom so the 2 programmes didn't clash (not sure if thats the correct terminology), anyway they have both been fine. We rename the 2nd one something else in programmes to the laptop didn't get confused.
Can someone point in the the right direction of how to do this again.
Hope all that makes sense, as you will know from previous posts computer stuff is not my forte!
I think you need to install it to a different location from the ones you already have, ie change the pathname from the default one suggested when installing. I think that's what I did as I have Line 50 and Instant on one of my machines.
as always, Shiela is correct. Just one addendum to that though. If you integrate Sage and Excel the windows registry will take the latest version that you installed rather than being able to choose the version.
If your instal an early version of Sage (regardless as to whether or not you have the latest version already on your machine) with a post 2003 version of Excel you may find that the facility stops working in Excel. You will get a message pop up telling you this every time that you start up Excel but that aside Excel and all of your versions of Sage should work fine... Just not together!
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