For a company that is exempt from VAT how do I enter the purchase invoices on sage, do I show the net and VAT seperately even though it won't be claimed back but may be in the future if the company goes over the threshold, or do I enter the invoices including VAT on a T0 tax code??
As above, enter the gross amount and a T9 code. i.e. the vat is not recorded. I'm climbing in Wales so not in front of a computer but from memory if you set your company up as non vat registered it defaults everything as zero anyway.
All Defaults can be changed all the defaults to be T9. There are 2 ways to do this to your data:
To amend the defaults for new records to use when created, go to Settings then the relevant defaults option (customer, supplier and products).
To amend the existing records you can either open the records one by one and change the defaults, or if youre on Accounts Professional or Client Manager you can select all records on the list then use the Batch Change button to apply the change to all records.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900