Hi all. I've done this the wrong way round - made 10 postings without saying hello.
Been in the sector man and (tea) boy for 30 years and learned one thing - that you never stop learning. To anyone just starting out, I'm hoping to get good at this by the time I'm 60
Just in the middle of two ESC a19 cases, but that might be worth a separate post.
Anyway, seems a good group and I'll try to contribute where I can. Take care
All the ESC A19 case I have dealt with except one have been successful. The one outstanding one - the HMRC are ignoring everything I have stated in my letters and refusing to accept it..... Theres nothing worse than writing several letters only to have all of the contents ignored each time.
-- Edited by YLB-HO on Tuesday 14th of June 2011 03:32:08 PM
Hi Woody, welcome yourself ESC a19 involves having a dig at HMRC so all good fun!
Hiya Zoe, good to make your acquaintance
Hi Frauke. Most interesting. think I will make the posting I referred to above as Ive only done/doing 5 W2 D0 L1 and these 2 in progress. The loss was 3 years ago. It was my first and I backed down on discovering they'd already written off an earlier year. At the time I thought it was a draw.
One good result was where all my arguments were being ignored and meetings incorrectly minuted over 2 years on a tax investigation. At the second Commissioners Hearing, I sided up to the HMRC top-bod and amongst other things said, I'd claim more private use on an electric scooter!. The two year investigation was cancelled within a month you should have seen the tax officers face at the final meeting .
No wonder the lay Commissioners have been abolished. Unfortunately the profession took it lying down.
BTW to the admin, the weekly digest is great to keep abreast of whats going on in the forum, so thanks very much.
Anyone in the Lancashire, Cheshire, Staffordshire belt, feel free to message me
-- Edited by Don Tax on Tuesday 14th of June 2011 08:17:58 PM
Hi all. HMRC have not assessed an earlier year (2007/08 £2500 owing) but issued a P800 for 2008/09 in May 2011 with a debt of £3100 along with 2009/10 OVERPAYMENT of £1000.
This is an old school friend and I'd like to do my very best for him. The factors are:-
* The company wages office was not helpful. He wouldn't sign a P46 saying he had another job or pension and I think they've just stuck him on BR without even asking for a P45 (he's brought 3 P45's to me, so he's quite good at keeping records) * He is highly educated and yet did not question code BR though he was on £50K+ BIK * This went on for 2½ years during which time the office (a national newspaper) was completely run down with redundancies. He was therefore loath to cause a stir and there was nobody on hand to ask after the first few months.
My question is; should I let sleeping dogs lie or appeal? I can quite envisage the Revenue assessing the earlier year as a counter-attack and in fact, he's £2500 better off than if he'd queried BR straight away.
The HMRC should have assessed 07/08 during the 08/09 year (hence if they did you could do another ESC a19 claim) and why it was officially announced the HMRC would not be raising any assessments for 07/08 to anyone who may not have paid enough tax.
The HMRC have always refused to allow anyone on PAYE to claim any fees for assistance to complete a tax return or get help in correcting their tax code on the grounds they can get the help directly from the HMRC. From the errors for the last few years shows, this is not true, and for this reason I would go for it!
What do others think?
-- Edited by YLB-HO on Thursday 21st of July 2011 10:48:51 PM
Ahh nice one Frauke; thats quite encouraging. I hadn't considered the official announcement and of course, not everyone expect to have to employ an accountant just because they've secured a better paid job.
IMO he was a bit careless in not handing in his P45 whether they requested it or not, but as clever as he is, he is just not from our background and didn't give it a second thought. He just trusted the large employer and of course, trusted HMRC