I need help in adjusting balance brought forward figure in sage. After completing 30 pages bank reconciliation for Feb, I accidently deleted one transaction from the reconciled statement.
This has affected the balace brought forward balance for March and I can't afford to unreconciled 30 pages and redo.
Is there anyway I can amend/adjust the current balance in Sage please? Can anyone please help!
If this accidentally deleted transaction is meant to be on the reconciled statement then the easiest way is to re-enter the transaction as it was before. E.g. if you have deleted a supplier payment then just re-enter the supplier payment with the same details. You must then make sure you go into File-Maintenance-Corrections, find the transaction you just entered, click on Edit and make sure the box that says Bank Rec on. is ticked and enter the date of the reconciliation in the date box.