Depends what you want/need to know about Sage. Colleges teach a syllabus to pass an exam which may or may not be of any value to you. This is because although you pay towards the course the college gets paid on its recruitment, retention and results so they teach to the test to ensure their funding. There are two ways to training by Sage (1) the standard courses, (2) one to one by buying a Sage Passport and in effect buying time - both very expensive. If you are a good self-learner you can buy the Sage training CDs from Amazon (keep watching for cheap deals) and teach yourself. Or you could try an independent trainer who will tailor to your needs cheaper than Sage themselves. Amongst other things, I do training.
I agree with Sheila. You could end up paying a lot of money to be taught things that you may not necessarily need top know and like her I also offer training to individuals or businesses and tailor each session to th exact requirments of those that I am training, this way they only pay for relevant training and the time is then put to best use.