Welcome to the BKN Weekly Bulletin, our weekly update to keep members informed of the latest BKN site updates, just to ensure you don't miss anything new!
This weeks updates:
- Still time to nominate for the BKN Bookkeeping Awards (Posted Friday 12th August 2011) http://tiny.cc/wns1v - BKN launches PayCert Training (Posted Friday 12th August 2011) http://tiny.cc/q8sxw
- Withdrawal of CIS Gross Payment Status (Posted Friday 12th August 2011) http://tiny.cc/t3hg1
- Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover from just £78 per annum - BKN members can save £50 on the cost of PII cover from Arlington Professional Risks in association with Zurich Insurance. Just one of the wide variety of benefits which comes from BKN Full membership which costs just £24 per year. http://www.book-keepers.net/join-us