I've been looking at Andica Tax software and the different prices.
They have prices for 1 return, 5 returns, 25 returns. I don't think I'd need as many as 25 but will need more than 5. How does this work? Do I buy the first five and then get a licence key (?) for the next batch of five.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Personally I would imagine it to be either 5 or 25, not multiples of 5 but, not used this software so I don't actually know.
practice your plumbers sharp intake of breath and just give them a call to see if you can get a better deal than they are advertising on line. Doesn't always work but you never know!
Good luck matey,
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It's just the prices. For instance, I can't remember the exact prices but say 5 returns cost £15 and 25 returns cost £60 - if I only needed 12 returns why should I pay £60 when I would hope to get 3 x 5 = £45.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Again not used the software, bu the principle tends to be pricing in bands, so one price for UP TO 5 returns and another price UP TO 25 returns. If you need, say, 6 returns, you'll presumably have to buy the 25 return licence.
I have used the partnership software for SA800, and it is really easy to use
I think that you can buy more than one licence for multiples. If you buy 2 blocks of 5 it works out at £2.89 for each return (if you use all 10), if you buy the 25 version it works out at £2.39 per return. I think it is just a pricing policy, to allow for bulk purchase (That is just how I read it though) Thecheck out gives you a quantity option to enter, so if you want 10, you buy the 5 licence version x2.
If you are only doing basic individual returns, I wouldn't bother with any specialist software, I use the HMRC online form. The only advantages of the specialist software that I can think of are, that you can work off line, and don't need to register as the clients agent, as HMRC allow 3rd party software direct access through their secure link.
They still need to be registered for online filing (and you could complete their return online, using their log in).
If you do Partnerships you have to use software for the partnership but can still submit the individuals returns via HMRC.
How much is the partnership software as I have a paye client who does their own books and till became partnership did SA as well (she works for HMRC on the debt collection side!!!) Anyway she is thinking of paying an accountant because she can't do the partnership without third party software. If it's not too expensive I'll recommend it to her.