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Post Info TOPIC: Home learning courses for AAT

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Home learning courses for AAT
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Hi everyone,

I have been looking into home learning courses for the AAT, I have looked at Kaplan, BPP and home learning college, has anyone studied with any of these providers?? its a lot of money and I don't want to make a mistake, I must admit though I am favouring the BPP at the moment, has anyone had any bad experiences like tutors not responding etc.

Thank you for your time.




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Hi Lisa

I have just started doing the distance study package, I looked at all the packages that were offered by kaplan, bpp and hlp but i decided from advice on here to ook at premier training as they come highly recommended on here. So far there has been no problems at all, havent had to use the tutor support but the people that i have spoke to that have used it have said it was of a high standard.. Hope this helps..




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Please take a look at  With eagle you get more than a set of text books and a help line! 

Students particularly enjoy using the Study Buddy which is a learning resource unique to eagle which is especially for distance learners.  Reading text books is boring!  There is also elearning for key topics included as well as direct access to your own support tutor :)



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Thank you for the reply's but I've taken the plunge and signed up to the home learning college after endless hours of researching all my options confuse

Thanks again



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I am learning with the home learning college. Be prepared for lots of whinging on the forums.

I personally have learnt loads and passed all of my exams first time (so far), however, there are alot of people on there that aren't as happy. The tutors do take a while to respond to emails, and my tutor did miss one of my emails and had to be chased. I adopted another tutor though so was ok. On the other hand though, one of my assignments was marked within a day.

Good luck with your studies.


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I'm also with the home learning college and so far all has been well. My assignments are marked within a couple of days and the tutor I've been assigned answers my emails and if she doesn't know the answer she refers me to someone that will. The books seem to teach me all I need and so far I've passed all my exams.

I've read a lot of bad about them so I'm still waiting for the mess up or do something. It costs a bit more than other courses but honestly, if it keeps going as well as it is then it's worth it.


Please correct me if I'm wrong... I am only human sucking up knowledge... Sometimes bits leak out!

Solus Bookkeeping and Admin Services

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Hi Kirsty and Nikki

I did my sage bookkeeping with the HLC and I must admit it was pretty painless, fortunately I found a good tutor that I also adopted after a while as she replied almost instantly. They offered me a very good discount so in the end I thought it would be the best option, so i'm just waiting for my course materials now smile 

Good Luck to you both.




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Hi everyone, can anyone throw some light on a problem I am experiencing. I have recently taken and (hopefully will know tomorrow but quietly confident) passed my IAB level 3 Advanced book keeping and accounts course with a local Adult college in my home town. My intention, including those of my colleagues also on the course, was to take the AAT 4 course. For this we were advised that the course tutors would be setting a test prior to the course to ensure everyone would be of the same standard. This was not a problem as it would be similar to the exam just taken, with the exception of knowing 'costings and reports'. Again this wouldn't have been an issue as most of us purchased a tutorial book to cover this subject, recommended by the IAB tutor, and informed it would not be covered anyway until much later in the course, by which time we would have some knowledge. However, the other college will not even consider us for the course, let alone allow us to take the initial test. Can anyone offer any advice or point me in the direction of taking AAT4 via distance learning? I have taken on board that a project is part of the syllabus. I am familiar with distance learning, have used this route before for other qualifications I needed at the time.


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Hi Sal,

check out the Premier training site for AAT level 4.

If you send them an email with your situation they normally get back pretty quickly to discuss what they can do to help you get where you want to go.

Good luck with the IAB results tomorrow.

kind regards,




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Thank you Shaun, will do as you suggest and e-mail Premier. I will also pass this on to my colleagues from the course as I'm sure they will find this helpful too.

Much appreciated.



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If not too late you could also contact eagle education

Or try the find a distance learning provider service on the aat website to shop around. It's important to shop around for all products and services to find one that suits you. Also to get a variety of opinions :).

Good luck with future studies!

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