When it comes to trades especially small businesses that employ tradesman/subcontractors, it is really important to be able to analyse margins job by job. I do this for a couple of clients using departments in Sage and then performing a long and time consuming set of adjustments following an export to Excel. These adjustments are typically WIP and Accruals. I also analyse the labour by keeping a spreadhseet of hours and jobs.....the tradesman complete these on a weekly basis.
Does anyone have a sleeker way of doing this? I know there is a Sage job costing product, but is seems fairly expensive and is an 'add-on' to Sage Line 50 not an accounting package that comprises of this functionality.
I am happy enough doing what I am doing, but sometimes feel that I am working in the dark ages and that there must be a better way. Of course some of the other technical stuff in Sage 50 also relies on exporting to Excel etc, so maybe it is symptomatic of this product??
Keen to hear what anyone else does out there even if it is the same as me!!