I am hoping this is a daft question, but will ask anyway as I am sure someone here will have the link to correct answer.
Our company is VAT registered here in UK and we are contemplating a purchase of a new Laptop but from a retail outlet in HKG, as the pricing is so much lower than in "rip-off" Britain.
Have checked with import trade tariff and there is zero duty on laptops, but to keep everything above board we would need to declare the laptop to customs on return to UK and would be charged UK VAT, although no duty.
If invoice for Laptop is clearly made out to the company and not an individual, and we then declare this at Heathrow and pay the VAT, I assume we can then reclaim that VAT as normal??
As I say, probably a daft question, as we import all our goods from Asia and reclaim UK VAT on the imports, but wanted to check that this VAT charged on import of the laptop would be same?