I have recently received a couple of free issues of the Tips & Advice - Tax guides issued fortnightly by Indicator (www.indicator.co.uk ) They are currently offering a £20 discount on their normal price of £127 and the guides do seem quite informative.
Has anyone else subscribed and if so how useful have they been.
I used to get them many years ago, and it was only when a client recently sent in a page that I realised they were still going! They can be useful, it's a brief overview of several topics each time, so it does leave you quite a bit to look into if you actually want to action something as things are not always as straight forward as a few paragraphs on an A4 sheet (as I'm sure you realise, unlike my client and his highlighter pen).
Whether I'd subscribe again, I don't know, could be good fodder to use for your own newsletter I guess though.
Responses are my opinion based on the information provided. All information should be thoroughly checked before being relied on.
Like Jenny, I used to get them many years ago. However, from memory, they used to sensationalise an issue and many of their examples were aimed at HR taxpayers. Don't expect a holy grail, they may reinfroce what you already know.