Any help appreciated on this - I have just started acting for a post office. as they also run a shop, the salary is treated as trading income. The post master receives a P60 with the total income on, which includes commission etc. Class 1 NIC totals £1752.61, which I take to be 11% on £15932 which is earnings above the ET up to the UAP.
I have made a monumental error and sent the tax calculations to the client without realising that I should take the salary out of the class 4 calculation for the post mistress. Can anybody confirm that what I need to do is this:
remove the £15932 from her net profit, then calculate class 4. Her husband is liable to class 4 on all of his SE income as he did not pay any class 1.
Hi, thanks, yes I have that in front of me and I think thats what its saying I should do, but sometimes HMRC are difficult to understand so I want to make sure that Im not reading it wrong! I think if I take the amount she has paid class 1 on, off her net profit, then do class 4, it will be ok.