I don't know if 'Honorary' is a title you have to use but I just signed as reporting accountant. This is the wording I used from an old clubs and associations book that seems to have gone walkabout :-
'I report to the Members that I have prepared the annexed Income and Expenditure accounts and Balance Sheet from the books vouchers and bank accounts of the Club and I have obtained all the information and explanations that I considered necessary.
In my opinion these accounts give a true and fair view of the state of the Club's affairs as at the 30 September 2008 and of the excess of Income over Expenditure for the year ended on that date.'
Thanks, the ACCA said i will have to state that the accounts have been done on a honorary accounting basis, guess that could be disclosed in the notes.
It means the accounts have been prepared on a honorary basis, which means they have been done to help out family/friends or a local business where we will not charge them and we have taken on this task without holding a practising certificate. ACCA say we cannot practise without a practising certificate however if we wish to prepare accounts to help someone out, we must not get paid for it and can do as long as it states that the accounts have been done on a honorary basis
Hope that clarifies, its a bit waffled but im freeeezing
Naa thats a decent description Zigs. I thought it would be something like that, especially as ACCA rules apply lol. I've just seen an advert for the ACCA qualification and you get a free cat o nine tails with every paper you sit so you can flog yourself silly as well.
lol not much flogging with ACCA, can get whatever they give, even got the option of doing a research project and being awarded a degree, doesnt change the practising rules though, still tied to them so as the letters after our names increase, and so does our experience, we still can only provide basic bookkeeping until we have a practising certificate
rules rules rules, life as a child was so much easier, always knew how to push the boundaries, cant seem to do it with ACCA