As the title suggests, a prospective client lives in the UK and is a UK citizen. They however, because or there job, are employed by a US company and get paid by them in dollars.
He has come to me asking to fill in his SATR for him. I have a meeting with him tonight so will know more in a few hours. He has paid US tax on his income but i assume this does not include any NIC2 or 4 for which he should surely have to pay.
Is there anyone who can offer any words of advice please?
Right, sorry its taken so long to post the response back, busy weekend! :lol:
He lived at worked in the US for several years. For the tax year 10-11, he resided in the US till October '10 and paid US State/federal TAX, social security/medicare (which are the equivalent to NI over here), and a few other deductions, getting paid twice a month. As of late October he moved to the UK, yet still worked on-line for them at home, therefore still got paid by them in $'s into a US bank account; However In January all other deductions ceased expect TAX and still got paid twice a month.
He then withdrew the money on a bi-monthly basis from the US bank and deposited it into a Barclays account over here.
Now, as far as I can see, and with my limited understanding of this particular subject, he paid the relevant Taxes until October in the US, so they wont come under HMRC's remit. But when he moved to the UK, I would imagine, he would be liable for NIC2/4 as income tax was paid in the US. Does anyone know anything different to this?
And as he worked from home he would be able claim a portion of his electric/gas/printer etc. as incidental expenses right? (running of compter/heating/invoices etc).