I need some help in using the Basic Tools. I run a payroll for a Ltd Company where the Director is the only employee. He pays himself enough to qualify for State benefits but to stay under the threshold so pays no tax or NI.
He has now ceased to trade so I need to close down the PAYE scheme, so I need to submit the P14 & P35 online. However, although the employee details uses the Tax Year 2011/2012, when I come to do the Year end procedures, they are still set to 2010/2011, so for example if I were to print a P60 it would show 2010/2011, albeit using the correct figures for 2011/2012.
I'm wondering if this is because we haven't reached the end of the Tax Year 2011/2012 yet, and there might be an update on it's way to rectify this before 5th April, but I was wondering if anyone else had come across this problem, or knew what the solution was.
I guess from what you are saying you are using the HMRC software online.
Last year the HMRC did not update their system until after April 5th, so anyone submitting before this date using their system discovered later that the submission was treated as being submitted in the previous year. I use moneysoft payroll, so I could submit early using that. Where I did have a problems was with the Nil P35 return declarations. All of the confirmations were backdated to the previous tax year, which included businesses which had actually submitted the P35s etc correctly for those years! HMRC didn't seem to be aware of it at the time, and it was through the WTG e-mailing each other about it that I discovered the problem existed. So I had to wait until after the update and then resubmit them!
If the HMRC have written to you to ask you to submit early so they can close the payroll scheme, you will need to write to them and tell them why you can do it and perhaps they can suggest a work round that they will accept.