OK, I have a silly question - I'm doing a Payroll course, and wondered if I'm right in thinking that there isn't a return to be submitted to HMRC each month for payroll? I've looked all through my notes and can't find any reference to this. It seems a bit odd to have to make payments without any accompanying information as to how they've been arrived at.
Alternatively, I could have it completely round my neck!
You are quite correct. All HMRC wants on a monthly basis (or a quarterly basis for small companies) is the money, with no accompanying analysis until year-end.
And apart from that just the bare details of starters and leavers.
By October 2013 (currently anticipated) this will change, and employers will be required to file details of every payment to an employee as it is made.
You are quite correct. All HMRC wants on a monthly basis (or a quarterly basis for small companies) is the money, with no accompanying analysis until year-end.
And apart from that just the bare details of starters and leavers.
By October 2013 (currently anticipated) this will change, and employers will be required to file details of every payment to an employee as it is made.
Are companies like sage going to be issuing some form of add-on to automate this, or will it mean for people like me that I have to e-submit all the necessary details manually week after week.
You are quite correct. All HMRC wants on a monthly basis (or a quarterly basis for small companies) is the money, with no accompanying analysis until year-end.
And apart from that just the bare details of starters and leavers.
By October 2013 (currently anticipated) this will change, and employers will be required to file details of every payment to an employee as it is made.
Are companies like sage going to be issuing some form of add-on to automate this, or will it mean for people like me that I have to e-submit all the necessary details manually week after week.
Yes, companies like Sage (take a look at the sig line below) will be adding modules to their software for this.
The biggest change will be that the weekly payment process will be much more formal. No more paying casuals or regular pay for weeks and then filling in the payroll details as and when you get round to it; the payroll will have to be done correctly, on time, every time. And the common practice of rewinding payroll software to correct errors or misunderstandings will become much more complex. Bureaus may refuse to do it, or may have to charge more when it is required, particularly if they weren't given changes in a timely way.
-- Edited by Tom McClelland on Monday 30th of January 2012 08:03:35 AM
I'll have a look at your software at work, if it's cheaper than sage then my boss will like it
All-inclusive price (software, support, licencing, updates): £54.90+VAT/year for up to 30 employees and up to 3 companies. £109.80+VAT/year for unlimited employees and unlimited companies.