I've been sent the February Copy of the above "publication" by Indicator/FL Memo. It's an 8 A4 page monthly (in it's 2nd year) with the offer of an annual subscription of £83 (reduced from £103) which includes a Ring Binder (the publication is on thick hole punched paper) Access to online documents, tools and calculators and, if subscribe before 7 March a whole year's back issues plus the book Tried and Tested Ways to Reduce your VAT bill plus CD Rom and an IPod 2GB shuffle. It seems quite good and gives a round-up of latest cases.
Wondered if anyone subscribes to this and whether or not it's worth it.
Yes I did many years ago, but I found that many of the tips were aimed at business owners, the vast majority of which I already knew about.
Indicator are the firm which provide this service. The other business is FL Memo (I think they've merged recently) and I've had their manuals and I think they are really good value for money. I get the tax one every year, think it's about £130 and it covers all the major taxes and gives reference details if you need to drill further.