Hi - has anyone else had problems using the HMRC Basic Tools and submitting the Annual Return? I run 5 payrolls on the program (all for separate employers) and have only managed to submit 1 of the returns successfully. The others keep coming back with Status Failed - Submission already received for this employer .......... so I go back to the Onine Submission option and it tells me Status Failed - this return has not been successfilly sent to HMRC.
The successful one has a nice big green 'Complete' by it.
HMRC's website was accepting returns for the last week, but not processing them.
By now everything is OK, but because you've tried submitting more than once in 4 of the companies only the first submission was accepted, and your later attempts are viewed by the site as duplicates.
Thanks for coming back to me Tom. I've had no confirmation of these being 'Accepted' and that's what is worying me. When I go in to each company within the program it tells me I have an outstanding return that needs to be sent to HMRC so I'm not convinced that they have been sent! I'm going roung in circles a bit here...........
I'm holding for HMRC on the phone now so we'll see if they will help me ........ I won't hold my breath!
Just spoken to HMRC who have confirmed everything you said Tom, the upgrade has left a backlog of confirmations that should be sent by 6am today. Spoke to a really nice helpful chap called Douglas. My original submissions on 3 April were all successful, and they now have 6 other attempts from me!!