I like the thought of using a cloud software and just trailed kashflow nice and easy to use. Do you charge your client the monthly charge for using it. If so the customers would be charged a fortune not only for your time but for the software?
You would need to cover the cost in the charges anyway, otherwise you are paying for it.
I usually cover the cost within a fixed fee (monthly) but if you charge hourly, you would need to add a line for the software.
Either way the client has to pay some how.
I cant work out if Kashflow is multi company but it looks like it is not, so you would have to charge at least £15.99/ month to each client.
If it is multi company, then you need to build in to your fees the cost, so that you make a profit. Say you have 4 clients, you would need to charge them £4 each before you even started.
For bookkeepers software is probably the biggest expense we have (unless you have premises), so you need to cover it.
It doesn't look like it's multi company use. I am really struggling to find a software that is multiple company at reasonable price and is compatible with Mac.
I am looking to charge a monthly fix fee, but didn't want to scare people of with adding the cost if the software..
They both have opportunities to become partners and have specific plans for accountants and book keepers. I currently use it as a client and our accountants pass on the cost (this is about half the price if I were to sign up the company on its own) so we were quite happy with this. We use both mac and PC here so it suits both platforms and both are extremely user friendly. I think Xero is supposed to be the more prestige product but personally I love clearbooks as it has an optional payroll service and can raise purchase orders etc. I will look into clearbooks for my own business when I set up. Worth a look anyway!
KashFlow also has a partner scheme which reduces the cost of each client, but there is a fixed annual cost so you need a fair number of clients for the partner scheme to be cost-effective.
6 months ago I would have said Clearbooks, but I've recently cancelled my subscriptoins and moved clients off it asd I've had various problems with it. I found it was OK for small businesses, but as soon as things get a bit more complicated the functionality just wasn't there. I couldn't find a way to see well ordered supplier invoice lists to reconcile statements, for instance.
I have recntly started to use Xero which seems better, although it's too early to say for sure. My favourite package is still Quickbooks desktop which is multi company ands I believe they now have a mac version.