I'm not on site and because I work with a variety of Sage payroll products, I am a bit mixed up on whether I need to install the update disc before or after the year end. I'm not sure all products allow you to continue into the new year before processing the last years year end.
I am sure that I read that the year end needs to be processed before installing the new software......but I'm sure I also read on the box that it was year end AND 2012-2013 software update! So if it is the year end then surely it needs to be installed before processing year end!??
I understand that there are a few Sage products so hopefully I have given enough info.........p.s going on-site in a couple of hours but have a very tight window for getting this done!!
I hope it helps. I use Line 50 which lets me do curent year as well as filing previous year when ready.
Before you start processing your payroll in the new tax year, you must install the new tax year software as this contains the legislation changes from 6 April. If you use Sage Instant Payroll you cannot upgrade your existing data for the 2012/2013 tax year until you have completed your year end routine. This is because it contains year to date (YTD) values for the 2011/2012 tax year which must first be cleared.
However, there may be times when you need to process the first period of the new tax year before you can finish the year end. To do this you must clear the YTD values for the 2011/2012 tax year, install Sage Instant Payroll into a new folder then restore your data. This means that you can use the new installation to process in the new tax year, but still keep your existing software and data, on which you can process the year end at your leisure.
Note: You must submit your year end returns to HM Revenue & Customs by 19 May 2012.
I have a client who uses Sage Instant and who does weekly payroll, so I went and did the year end for him last week. You have to do the year end BEFORE you run the update disk.
It is a complete and utter PITA, and takes much longer than Moneysoft. I try and persuade him to change each year, fingers crossed!
This is curious. If you have to do the year end before you do the update disk how does the software know how much to increment the L tax codes by when it hasn't been updated yet?
Thanks all! As suspected......you are all right.....you CAN'T process in the new year until processing the year end. And yes.......it is a PITA!!
I have done several year ends and don't need the manual, but I needed to know WHEN to install the software etc.
This applies to 'Instant' as you certainly can carry on into the new year with the full blown version.
Incidentally.....when I arrived on site and actually opened the disc box, there was an infeasible thick instruction booklet which would have told me to complete the year end first of I had bothered to look last time!!