Need to post a journal to accounts receivable in Quickbooks buts its asking for a customer account which I don't know what it is. Its a year end adjustment from last year and the accountant hasn't told me what customer it is! Is there a way round it?
Ultimately if you're adjusting a customers account then you need to know who the customer is.... but in the meantime could you set up a new cutomer called "adjustment" or similar, and use that. Then when you know who the customer hould be you would just post a journal to adjust. That way your total net debtors are correct all the way through.
If you post to the suspense account then you're management information wouldn't be very ueful - it's a bit like saying "one (or more) of the balance in my account are wrong, but I don't know which".
Thanks bookann. That's what I decided to do last week, I'm now going to have to do a lot of digging, it was done by the previous accountant/bookkeeper!