Have any bookkeepers on here set up a mobile version of their website, i.e. one that displays and fits nicely on a mobile, blackberry, iphone etc?
If so, any ideas on the likely cost?
I was looking at my own website on my daughters iphone the other day and I had to keep zooming in to read the text. I'm thinking along the lines of the BBC website which seems to automatically fit to the size of the phone.
Full Time Book-keeper, Dad of 3 Teenage Girls, Part-Time Taxi Driver :)
The chances are, you don't really need a mobile version of your site. It's more likely you just need to tweak your site's design to make it workable on all screen sizes.
A common cause of the problem is the use of fixed width columns, instead of using a fluid design that allows the site to be resized for the device on which it's displayed.
Post the URL, and at some point I'll try to give you some pointers. (I'm by no means a web guru, but I have a passable knowledge).
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
The third of those two choices is, of course, what I said. :/
There is a case for specifying a minimum width in the CSS, ie when the formatting goes silly below that width - but even then, you should still be able to get away with a single version of the site (and no browser detection - really, this is only necessary when you're doing higher level stuff in the CSS). This is particularly so with modern mobile devices.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)