Not sure of sensible nominal code or even if should be within expenses area to post the reduction in stock value caused by "loss/damage" of a carton of stock on one delivery.
Long story short (which isn't actually resolved yet) a large delivery went out of some 650+ cartons of products, one carton has somehow gone missing on the way.
Very unusual - in fact the first time this has happened in three years of trading, so bit bemused on coding of subsequent adjustments.
Customer rightly wants credit note for the 800 units of "widgets" that were in this carton, as we invoiced them for the whole lot as despatched.
We have confirmed all of the goods were recieved to partner warehouse and in theory all were sent out, so investigations continue, but with value at 200 I don't even know if we'd claim on insurance etc as yet.
In the meantime the process of raising a credit note for the 800 "widgets" at 0.25 each will satisfy the customer, but this adds the 800 widgets back into stock!
I can then adjust stock level manually, but where should I post the reduction in stock value to as a nominal? We have no obvious nominal code in COA, so wanted to check if this should go as an expense against something like damages/lost stock, or somewhere else?