Can someone help please. Having been roped in to do partners books as he has just started out, he uses a car - business and personal. I decided to keep a mileage log and used the 49p per mile allowance. My question is firstly, in recording in a general ledger - what would the two entries be (basic I know but i'm not a bookkeeper as such). and secondly - would you record on a weekly/monthly basis in the ledger or could such an entry be done at the end of the year taking the information from the mileage record sheet. Many thanks for your time.
Thanks Wella for your reply. Just to clarify - the ledgers i have are
capital - bank - cash - sales - etc plus exp ledgers. Is Capital Introduced a new ledger. Also what are the entries at the end of the year with regards to profit and loss. I know that exp. ledgers get balanced and then to the P&L - the same then for motor expenses I presume - but what about capital introduced. Sorry for the silly questions but the only bookkeeping i have picked up has been on internet and very basic. many thanks for your time.
I break down the Capital a/c to Capital (retained from previous years) Capital Introduced (During current year), and Drawings a/c (for money withdrawn during current year), which are then moved to Capital at the end of the year.
If the accounts are prety basic, then you could just move things in and out of the Capital account. Yes Motor Exp is treated as any other expense