I have a client who I do the bookkeeping for, then on a weekly basis send them the Sage data file to restore onto their copy of Sage so that they can carry out the credit control.
Because of the every increasing costs of postage, paper etc they are looking to send the customer statement by email.
I am used to setting this up and it running from Outlook but they are using an internet based account (Windows Live I think).
So can they send the statements out from Sage through this account and if so how do you set it up
Sorry, like I said I know how to set them up to send statements by putting the email address in the details, ticking the box and then using the email option from within statements but I want to find out is how it works when using a internet email account as opposed to Outlook, because when I use Outlook and send them they are just automatically output to email.
Sorry. I didn't read the question properly. Most of the time when I read and respond on this site is when I'm on a train and the connection is usually slow and I've forgotten the question by the time it's loaded the answer screen !! Age gets us all in the end. I'll have a fiddle with it and see if I can work out how to do it
Earlier this year I made the decision to drop Outlook and switch to gmail. I had a similar problem when trying to email from programs. I found a program called gmail notifier pro which overcame these issues. The same program is advertised as working with Microsoft Live Mail. You could perhaps take a look at that if you are still trying to find a solution. Tim
Setting up Sage 50 to send stuff out by email (and not using Outlook) is relatively painless.
The first thing you should do is tell Sage your own email address - although this is one of Sage's little sillies (especially for a multi-company set up) but don't worry about that for the moment. This is set by going to Settings on the top menu => Company Preferences, and entering the email address you wish to use in the Email box on the Details tab.
That was the easy bit.
Next up, Sage needs to know how to send the email - your outgoing (SMTP) server details. This is done from within the report generator. Since you're wanting to send statements by email, you may as well go in through the statements screen, and select the statement that you are going to use when emailing statements. Select it, and click on Edit.
When the report generator comes up, on the menu bar click on Tools => Options and go to the Email Setup tab. Change the default provider to SMTP.
In the "Available Providers" box below that, click on "SMTP" and then "Configure" and you'll get a window called "SMTP Configuration" in which you enter all the necessary information:
Server Name is the name of your outgoing mail server (which you should have set up somewhere in your email program in order to send email).
Port will normally be 25
Under Sender details you need to enter the email address (yes, the one you've already set up in the main program) and the name that will be used along with it (or a post title, like "Bookkeeper" etc)
Finally, there are the log-in details for your outgoing mail server, which will typically require that you select "Use username and password" and enter the, erm, user name and password used to log-in to the outgoing server.
Click "Ok" to close the window, and then (if you like) click "Test" in the Options window: You'll be prompted to enter an address to which a test email can be sent. If that test email is received at that address, you'll know it's working, so the Options window can be Okayed to close it.
Now, for the statement you wish to send by email, you may need to tweak some items in the email properties. If the properties aren't showing, click on View => Properties. Somewhere in the list that appears will be an field called Email properties; click on that to open the report-specific email stuff.
If it's a report that's already set up for email, some stuff will already be filled in - such as the "To" field, which should contail the SALESLEDGER.EMAIL variable.
From can be set to contain the from name and email address - eg "Fred Bloggs" which will pick the address up from the main program's company settings.
(Only a couple of versions back, either this field wasn't there or there was no variable - I forget the exact situation - so it would only use the address set up in the report generator email settings, and if you were running a multi-company version of Sage, so had a different email address for each company, the report generator settings were "one size fits all". That meant it would only ever use the one address, no matter which company you were sending from.)
Above From is CC, and I always send a copy of any reports like statements to the company email address. I started doing that after I encountered an incredibly stupid bug in the way Sage handles email a couple of years ago, which they've subsequently "fixed" - in quotes, because when I reported the bug to them, the support drone vocalised a possible fix on the phone to me that made me want to facepalm.
You can also change the subject line to something more meaninful than the default.
Below that, you specifiy the format the report is to be sent in - I usually opt for PDF - and below that, you can specify the filename.
Finally, the bottom box allows you to specify the way the statement is to be sent; set it to send immediately, by SMTP.
Okay that, save the report.
In theory, you should now be able to send statements by email.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
Unfortunately, knowing where things are set up in Sage is one thing - but knowing the specific settings for any given email provider/ISP is quite another.
Your starting point are the settings in your email program for outgoing sever, which might be something like smtp.btinernet.com, with your email address as a username and your password as the password - but then again, they might be something entirely different to that. If in doubt, speak to whoever set up your email access, or perhaps speak to BT Internet themselves.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)