I thought that would be the case thank you for your help. would you be able to help me with the year end procedure on sage, i have looked at the help , but its very confusing (well for me it is!!) The year end is 31.12.11 , as yet i havent run the procedure but the accountant is wanting to close off. I have entered transaction up to June of this year. Do i change the program date to the 31.12.11 to run a year end and will all the invoices that have been paid and sales that have had recpts clear off the supplier and customers detailed ledger? Thanks kind regards Linda
Yes, to run the year end procedure you must change the program date to 31.12.11 before running. After the year end you need to change the date back to the current date. I would recommend taking a backup (or two) before running this procedure.
Running year end will not clear reconciled transactions from supplier and customer ledgers. To do this you will need to run the Clear Audit Trail option. Only fully bank and vat reconciled and matched transactions will be cleared down. I usually keep the previous two years in Sage, but that's just me Definitely make sure you don't clear down the audit trail for the current financial year! Also make a backup before running this procedure. (You can never have too many backups!!)
I would expect the accountant to want a back up taken BEFORE you run the year end process. A closed year is of little use to them as they can't see the P&l correctly