Getting a bit stuck and its too late to get a response from Ideal Schools, so hoping someone on here will know.
I'm studying for ICB Payroll, doing the mock exam & it asks for a report showing details of employees. I have peeked as mock answers and they have used a report titled "Employee Details". All I can find in my reports are the seperate reports ie "Employees Details - Banking" etc, but not one that will cover everything. Please dont say I've got to attempt the report editor!!! I tried on the normal bookkeeping software and gave up in end...
Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction. Planning on ordering exam for next Friday
I used Sage Instant Accounts for my payroll exam and if I remember correctly Sage 50 payroll doesn't have the complete Employee details report. There was a thread on the ICB forum which I have just read where several people were having this problem and the ICB must know about this by now. (There was actually no resolution to the questions people were asking on the thread). I would print off any reports that show as much information as possible (e.g. if there are separate employee reports) and include a note in with your exam paper when you submit it.
Thanks for the response Pauline, but I've posted on ICB website & some extremely helpful person has emailed me a report design, which has worked perfectly :D I am a very happy person this evening!!
If anyone also wants this report template, let me know & I will forward it on. Spread the joy :D I may also forward onto Ideal Schools to see if they can pass onto other Payroll students, as this is such a pain when you havent got the reports needed for the exam.