Yup it's Saturday. Yup I'm working.
I came across this forum whilst searching for an answer to my question so wonder if anyone on here has any advice?
I've been asked to help a local bookkeeper with setting up a system for a residential lettings company.
A couple of things I'm not sure about so wondered if anyone on the forum had any experience?
How do you recharge repairs to Landlords? If they receive an invoice from a plumber for £50 + VAT do they recharge the Landlord the net or gross amount? Tempted to recharge them as gross amount but T0, is that right? I thought they should only charge VAT on their commission - any thoughts?
Thank you in advance for any advice.
In terms of your VAT Queries, whether VAT is either reclaimed on expenditure or charged for services given to clients - this will depend whether the letting agent in question is Registered for VAT with HMRC. If they are not VAT Registered, then they cannot charge VAT to the landlords - but must pay VAT on any Vatable expenditure incurred either on their own costs or on belalf of each landlord.
It sounds like your using Sage to input the data, in order to decide which T code to use, you will first need to consider the VAT Registration status.7
Thanks Ben, Yes to both They are VAT registered and also using Sage. I've suggested he calls HMRC Monday morning and confirm with them what they should/shouldn't be charging VAT on. Am I correct in saying rent from tenants is treated as a bank receipt to rent control account? How should balance to Landlord be treated? Pat
Residential lettings are IMHO one of the trickiest types of bookkeeping for lots of reasons. It sounds to me like you need to have a proper discussion with the bookkeeper who's client this is to find out exactly what the set up needs to be. If this is an established business then looking to how things have been done previously will also be important. You need to know what the contract between the agent and the landlord says.
VAT is chargeable on all supplies made, not just commissions, unless we are talking about disbursements. If you have a look on the HMRC website, you will see that the definition of a disbursement is very tight and my experience is that residential lettings companies do not apply the disbursement rules. Thus if a plumber charged the agent £100 plus VAT, the agent claims back the £20 as input VAT and charges the landlord £100 plus VAT (plus whatever fee for arranging the repair, if appropriate).
So at the end of the month, the landlord might get a statement saying something like:
Rent received from J Smith £500 Less agent's fee @ 10% £50 plus £10 VAT Less plumber's bill £100 plus £20 VAT Total due to landlord £320
BUT it can be complicated by the agents holding a pot of the landlord's money to use for repairs, or by sinking funds.....so it's really important that you know the full details of how this business operates, rather than trying to guess anything you aren't sure about.
Edited to add: I've just noticed that your signature says you're training as a bookkeeper, it sounds like you may not yet be ready for a complicated situation like this, which makes it even more important to talk to the bookkeeper you are working for.
-- Edited by RuthA on Sunday 19th of August 2012 10:09:25 AM
Yes, Ruth you are correct. I'm fairly new to all of this so don't have the confidence to call myself a bookkeeper but I do have a friend who does some bookkeeping so I'm often having conversations about how to do this or that. I help her out with processing Purchase Invoices when she's busy. This is actually a new client of hers and she was thinking through the setup out loud with me. One the one hand it seems quite straightforward but in practical terms it's very complex and I'm very glad I don't have the responsibility of answering to the client but now I've got it in my head I want to get a solution as it's starting to bug me. Dog - bone - and all that!!! I'll be speaking to this evening so hopefully she will have resolved it by then and I can sleep easily once more.
Lettings do appear releatively simple but in practice they are anything but...
You should take a look at Landlord Manager for Sage which breaks down the transactions easily and posts them automatically to Sage.
I am in no way affiliated with them but have seen the demo at a clients and depending on the number of lettings your client manages could save you a lot of time and stress!
Hope that Helps
Jeremy Optegra Financial
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