So there's been some discussion in here about similar topics. Seems to be a popular AAT discussion at the moment. Two contrasting interesting articles
Must go to bed now!!! Well log off at least :).
... they are normally the ones you have to chase for money.
Ask for records, don't give you said records until the last minute, change their minds about things lots of times, sap your time and enthusiasm.
If your heart drops when they ring, maybe time to depart?
I had one a few years ago, paid by standing order and a lovely guy, but was always late - and even then, half the info would be missing. In the end, I had to let go for my own sanity.
Some clients are certainly not worth having - more trouble than they are worth. It's tempting to carry on working with them since they are after all a client and will (or should) be paying you. However, if they are a lot of hassle (and this can be in various ways) then it's often worth ditching them sooner rather than later. Especially if they don't pay on time and keep expecting additional things for free. Best to be firm and clear from the outset but unfortunately there are always going to be these bad clients out there that are just one big headache. Trying to spot them at the etsrat is the best bet (although not always easy!)